User Manual

What is SFT Feet and Inch Engineering Tools?

How do I install SFT49?

About the numeric entry and display format.

About the Command Menu.

The Command Descriptions.

Variable Descriptions.

The South Fork Technologies Feet and Inches Engineering tools is an integrated library of new commands for calculating in feet & inches format on your HP-49G Calculator. These commands enable you to add, subtract, multiply, and divide dimensions. You can calculate dimensions using right triangles, oblique triangles and circular geometry, all in feet and inch format.

The precision of the fractional part of the dimensions can be set to halves, 4ths, 8ths, 16ths, 32nds, and 64ths of an inch. There is also a metric mode that disables the feet and inch conversion and allows you to work in decimal units. You can save angles and dimensions for use in calculations in a special storage area that is accessed with an index number. This feature is integrated with the trigonometry commands and allows you to keep all the angles and dimensions used in your project readily available. You can backup the storage area data to port memory or a PC for future use. Commands are provided for calculating weight using feet and inch input. There are conversion commands used to convert to and from metric and to convert or display a dimension in any of the available fraction denominators. This library of commands provides the power and speed you need to get the job done fast.

Locate the file "sft49.lib" on your PC and copy it to your SD card. It will likely be located here "C:\Program Files (x86)\SFT\SFT49 Engineering Tools" then copy "sft49.lib" from the SD card to the Home directory on your calculator. For older calculators

The first step is to obtain a serial cable to connect your calculator to your PC. Next download and install the PC Connectivity Kit from Hewlett Packard. Connect your calculator to your PC with the serial cable. Turn on your calculator. Set the current directory to home. Press and hold the Right Shift key and then press the Right Arrow key. This puts your calculator in server mode. Start the PC Connectivity Kit and set the calculator mode to binary. Locate the file "sft49.lib" on your PC and drag the file to the home directory on your calculator. If you wish, you can disconnect your calculator from your PC before you continue.

Now press the Var key and then press the menu key named sft49. Level 1 of the stack should now contain the object named "Library 1780: sft49 F&I Engr Tools". Type the number of the port you wish to store the library in (0, 1, or 2) then press the STO key. Purge the variable named "sft49.lib" from the home directory. Perform a system halt by holding down ON and pressing F3.

You can access the SFT FtIn Engineering Tools three different ways on the HP-49G. You can activate the tools menu using the Apps list. You can activate the tools menu using the Right Shift Lib sft49 command. Use one of these methods to bring up the SFT tools menu and then press Left Shift Prev setup. This command creates the required global variables in the current directory and adds a command to your custom menu so you can activate the tools menu using the SFT49 command in the custom menu or the Variables menu. The South Fork Technologies Feet & Inch Engineering Tools are now ready to use.

Feet and inches are displayed and entered using the numeric format in the form of XX.YYZZ. Where XX equals the feet, YY equals the inches, and ZZ equals the fraction. As an example the dimension 7'-5 11/16" would be entered as 7.0511 as long as the denominator is set to 16ths. The number format mode on your calculator should be set to fixed with 4 decimal places.

Several features make this the best format to display and enter feet and inch numbers. The first and most important feature of this format, is the fact, that when a feet and inch number is displayed, the integer portion and the first 4 decimal places relay the feet, inches, and fraction to the user. The decimal places that are not shown beyond the 4th decimal place, hold the full precision of the number. This allows you to use the result of a command as the input to another without experiencing any round-off problems. This is very important when adding and subtracting the results of several calculations.

The second feature of this format is the fact that you can enter up to 99 inches in the YY portion and up to 99 units of the fractional portion in ZZ. This allows you to enter 89 11/16" as 0.8911 as long as the denominator is set to 16ths.
The third feature of this format is the fact that you can add and subtract feet and inch numbers using the intrinsic + and - functions of your calculator as long as no carry takes place between the XX, YY, and ZZ portions of the number. This feature helps simplify and speed-up your calculations because you do not have to page to the plus and minus commands.

Page 1

plus Feet and Inch Plus.
Type: Math Command
Description: Feet and inch addition command used to add numbers in the feet and inch display format. Takes the argument in level 1 and adds it to the argument in level 2. The result is returned in level 1. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 2/Argument 1 Level 1/Argument 2 Right Arrow
Dimension Dimension Right Arrow

Level 1/Item 1

minus Feet and Inch Minus.
Type: Math Command
Description: Feet and inch subtraction command used to subtract numbers in the feet and inch display format. Takes the argument in level 1 and subtracts it from the argument in level 2. The result is returned in level 1. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 2/Argument 1 Level 1/Argument 2 Right Arrow
Dimension Dimension Right Arrow

Level 1/Item 1

mtply Feet and Inch Multiply.
Type: Math Command
Description: Feet and inch multiplication command used to multiply numbers in the feet and inch display format. Takes the argument in level 1 and multiplies it by the argument in level 2. The result is returned in level 1. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 2/Argument 1 Level 1/Argument 2 Right Arrow
Dimension Dimension Right Arrow

Level 1/Item 1

dvideFeet and Inch Divide.
Type: Math Command
Description: Feet and inch division command used to divide numbers in the feet and inch display format. Takes the argument in level 1 and divides it by the argument in level 2. The result is returned in level 1. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 2/Argument 1 Level 1/Argument 2 Right Arrow
Dimension Dimension Right Arrow

Level 1/Item 1

todec Convert to Decimal.
Type: Math Command
Description: Converts a number in feet and inch format to decimal feet. Takes the argument in level 1 and returns the result in level 1. The argument must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric. When set to metric there is no conversion and the argument is left unchanged.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Dimension Right Arrow Decimal

toft Convert to Feet and Inches.
Type: Math Command
Description: Converts a number in decimal feet to the feet and inch format. Takes the argument in level 1 and returns the result in level 1. The argument must be in decimal feet, unless the denominator is set to metric. When set to metric there is no conversion and the argument is left unchanged.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Decimal Right Arrow Dimension

Page 2

Right Triangle

b to r Base to Rise.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Converts the base dimension of a right triangle to the rise dimension of the triangle. The command uses the value in the angle variable for the acute angle of the right triangle. It takes the argument in level 1 and returns the result in level 1. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Base Right Arrow Rise

b to s Base to Slope.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Converts the base dimension of a right triangle to the slope dimension of the triangle. The command uses the value in the angle variable for the acute angle of the right triangle. It takes the argument in level 1 and returns the result in level 1. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Base Right Arrow Slope

r to b Rise to Base.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Converts the rise dimension of a right triangle to the base dimension of the triangle. The command uses the value in the angle variable for the acute angle of the right triangle. It takes the argument in level 1 and returns the result in level 1. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Rise Right Arrow Base

r to s Rise to Slope.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Converts the rise dimension of a right triangle to the slope dimension of the triangle. The command uses the value in the angle variable for the acute angle of the right triangle. It takes the argument in level 1 and returns the result in level 1. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Rise Right Arrow Slope

s to r Slope to Rise.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Converts the slope dimension of a right triangle to the rise dimension of the triangle. The command uses the value in the angle variable for the acute angle of the right triangle. It takes the argument in level 1 and returns the result in level 1. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Slope Right Arrow Rise

s to b Slope to Base.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Converts the slope dimension of a right triangle to the base dimension of the triangle. The command uses the value in the angle variable for the acute angle of the right triangle. It takes the argument in level 1 and returns the result in level 1. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Slope Right Arrow Base

Page 3

r:b to a Rise and Base to Angle.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Calculates the angle, bevel, and slope of a right triangle from the rise and base dimensions. This command takes the base argument in level 1 and the rise argument in level 2 and returns the bevel in level 3, the slope in level 2 and the angle in level 1. The angle is also stored in the angle variable that is used by the trigonometry commands on page 2. The bevel result is the rise of a right triangle with a base of 12". The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Right Triangle

Level 2/Argument 1 Level 1/Argument 2 Right Arrow
Rise Base Right Arrow

Level 3/Item 1 Level 2/Item 2 Level 1/Item 3
Bevel Slope Angle

r:s to a Rise and Slope to Angle.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Calculates the angle, bevel, and base of a right triangle from the rise and slope dimensions. This command takes the slope argument in level 1 and the rise argument in level 2 and returns the bevel in level 3, the base in level 2 and the angle in level 1. The angle is also stored in the angle variable that is used by the trigonometry commands on page 2. The bevel result is the rise of a right triangle with a base of 12". The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 2/Argument 1 Level 1/Argument 2 Right Arrow
Rise Slope Right Arrow

Level 3/Item 1 Level 2/Item 2 Level 1/Item 3
Bevel Base Angle

b:s to a Base and Slope to Angle.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Calculates the angle, bevel, and rise of a right triangle from the base and slope dimensions. This command takes the slope argument in level 1 and the base argument in level 2 and returns the bevel in level 3, the rise in level 2 and the angle in level 1. The angle is also stored in the angle variable that is used by the trigonometry commands on page 2. The bevel result is the rise of a right triangle with a base of 12". The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 2/Argument 1 Level 1/Argument 2 Right Arrow
Rise Slope Right Arrow

Level 3/Item 1 Level 2/Item 2 Level 1/Item 3
Bevel Base Angle

bevel Calculate Bevel.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Calculates the bevel on 12" using the angle that is currently stored in the angle variable. It takes no arguments and returns the bevel result in level 1. The bevel result is the rise of a right triangle with a base of 12", unless the denominator is set to metric. If set to metric, the bevel result is the rise of a right triangle with a base of 1.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Bevel

ansto Store Angle.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Stores the number in level 1 of the stack in the angle variable. This provides quick access to the angle variable used by the trig commands. It takes the angle argument in level 1 and returns the angle result in level 1.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Angle Right Arrow Angle

anrcl Recall Angle.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Recalls the number stored in the angle variable to level 1 of the stack. This provides quick access to the angle variable used by the trig commands. It takes no arguments and returns the angle result in level 1.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Angle

Page 4

stacc Store in Accumulator.
Type: Math Command
Description: Stores the feet and inch number in level 1 of the stack, into the Accumulator variable and displays the current value of the accumulator in a message box. It takes a feet and inch argument in level 1 and returns the feet and inch number stored in the accumulator.

The accumulator is a storage tool for accumulating the feet and inch results of several calculations. With it you can, store a feet and inch number, add a positive or negative feet and inch number, or recall it to level 1 of the stack. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Dimension Right Arrow Dimension

stada Store Add Accumulator.
Type: Math Command
Description: Adds the feet and inch number in level 1 of the stack to the Accumulator variable and displays the result value of the accumulator in a message box. It takes a feet and inch argument in level 1 and returns the feet and inch result stored in the accumulator.

You can subtract a dimension by changing the sign of the number before using this command. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Dimension Right Arrow Dimension

rclac Recall the Accumulator.
Type: Math Command
Description: Recalls the feet and inch number stored in the accumulator variable to level 1 of the stack and displays the value of the accumulator in a message box. It takes no arguments and returns the feet and inch number stored in the accumulator.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Dimension

tbclr Table Clear.
Type: Storage Command
Description: Clears or creates the angle and dimension storage table. This command erases any existing data stored in your table. It will display a choose box asking if you are sure you wish to proceed. It takes no arguments and returns no arguments.

The angle and dimension storage table allows you to store dimensions and angles using a cell index number. The size of the table is limited only by memory. This command creates an array with 100 cells and stores it using the name 'tbdat'. Each cell is referenced with an index number starting with 1. The commands 'tbsto' & 'tbrcl' are used to store and recall dimensions and angles to and from the table. The size of the variable 'tbdat' can be changed using intrinsic calculator commands.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Nothing

tbsto Table Store.
Type: Storage Command
Description: Stores an angle or dimension in the dimension and angle storage table using a cell index number. It takes the angle or dimension argument in level 2 and the index argument in level 1 and returns the angle or dimension that was stored in level 1 of the stack.

Be sure to write down the index number next to the dimension or angle on your design document so that you can quickly recall the number at a later time. Your stored number will retain the full precision of your original calculation. You can use the index numbers 1 thru 100 without modifying the size of the table.
Level 2/Argument 1 Level 1/Argument 2 Right Arrow
Angle or Dim Index Right Arrow

Level 1/Item 1
Angle or Dim

tbrcl Table Recall.
Type: Storage Command
Description: Recalls an angle or dimension from the dimension and angle storage table using a cell index number. It takes the index argument in level 1 and then asks if you would like the number recalled, to be stored in the angle variable. If you answer yes the angle is stored in the angle variable and is returned to level 2 and the bevel on 12" is returned to level 1. If you answer no then the angle or dimension is just returned to level 1.

The dimension and angle storage table gives you 100 memory locations to store your data. Each location is identified by an index number so you can quickly recall the data you need for your calculations. You can view and edit the 'tbdat' variable with Matrix Writer. A copy of the variable 'tbdat' can be saved to port memory or your PC for backup or future use.
Level 2/Argument 1 Level 1/Argument 2 Right Arrow
Angle or Dim Index Right Arrow

Level 1/Item 1
Angle or Dim

Page 5

acan Arc Angle.
Type: Circular Geometry Command
Description: Calculates the included angle given the arc length and radius in feet and inches. It prompts you for the arc length and radius, displays the angle in a message box, and returns the angle to level 1. Variables can be used as input. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Angle

acln Arc Length.
Type: Circular Geometry Command
Description: Calculates the arc length given the radius in feet and inches and the included angle. It prompts you for the radius and angle, displays the arc length in a message box, and returns the arc length to level 1. Variables can be used as input. The radius argument must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Arc Length

cdrsr Chord and Rise to Radius.
Type: Circular Geometry Command
Description: Calculates the radius dimension given the chord and the rise in feet and inches. It prompts you for the chord and the rise, displays the radius in a message box, and returns the radius to level 1. Variables can be used as input. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Radius

chord Radius and Rise to Chord.
Type: Circular Geometry Command
Description: Calculates the chord dimension given the radius and the rise in feet and inches. It prompts you for the radius and the rise, displays the chord in a message box, and returns the chord to level 1. Variables can be used as input. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Chord

rise Radius and Chord to Rise.
Type: Circular Geometry Command
Description: Calculates the rise dimension given the radius and the chord in feet and inches. It prompts you for the radius and the chord, displays the rise in a message box, and returns the rise to level 1. Variables can be used as input. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Rise

area Area of circle.
Type: Circular Geometry Command
Description: Calculates the area of a circle given the radius in feet and inches. It prompts you for the radius , displays the area in a message box, and returns the area to level 1. Variables can be used as input. The argument must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Area

Page 6

vlwt Volume Weight.
Type: Weight Command

Description: Calculates the weight of a quantity of cubic areas of material using feet and inch or metric input. It prompts you for the quantity, the thickness, the width, the length, and the weight per cubic unit. When running in feet and inches mode the weight in pounds, of one cubic foot of steel (490 lbs.) is provided as a default input for the per cubic unit input. When running in metric mode the weight in kilograms of one cubic millimeter of steel (0.00000784905 kg.) is provided as a default input for the per cubic unit input. You can use these or enter your own values.

In feet and inch mode the result is labeled "lbs", in metric mode the result is labeled "kg". You can disregard the label if your units are not kilograms or pounds. The result is displayed in a message box and is returned to level 1 of the stack.The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Weight

lnwt Linear Weight.
Type: Weight Command
Description: Calculates the weight of a quantity of linear areas of material using feet and inch or metric input. To use this command you need to know the weight per linear unit. It prompts you for the quantity, the length, and the weight per linear unit. The result is displayed in a message box and is returned to level 1 of the stack. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Weight

sqwt Square Weight.
Type: Weight Command
Description: Calculates the weight of a quantity of square areas of material using feet and inch or metric input. To use this command you need to know the weight per square unit. It prompts you for the quantity, the width, the length, and the weight per square unit. The result is displayed in a message box and is returned to level 1 of the stack. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Weight

ft to in Feet to Inches.
Type: Conversion Command
Description: Converts a dimension from feet and inch format to inches and sixteenths, in the form of xxx.yy where xxx equals the inches and yy equals the sixteenths. It takes the feet & inch argument in level 1 and returns the inches in level 1. The argument must be in feet and inch format. You must be in a feet and inch mode to use this command, in metric mode the result will not make sense.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Dimension Right Arrow Inches

ft to m Feet to Millimeters.
Type: Conversion Command
Description: Converts a dimension in feet and inch format to millimeters, It takes the feet and inch argument in level 1 and returns the millimeters in level 1. The argument must be in feet and inch format. You must be in a feet and inch mode to use this command, in metric mode the result will not make sense.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Dimension Right Arrow Millimeters

m to ft Millimeters to Feet.
Type: Conversion Command
Description: Converts a dimension in millimeters to feet and inch format. It takes the millimeters argument in level 1 and returns the feet and inch argument in level 1. The argument must be in millimeters. You must be in a feet and inch mode to use this command, in metric mode the result is returned as decimal feet.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Millimeters Right Arrow Dimension

Page 7

sss Side Side Side.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Calculates the 3 angles of an oblique triangle given the three sides in feet and inch format. In addition this command calculates the area and the weight of the triangle given the thickness in feet and inch format and the weight per cubic unit. It prompts you for side c, side b, and side a, then returns side c, angle B, side b, angle A, side a, angle C, and the area in square units. It then prompts you for the thickness and Weight per cubic unit. When running in feet and inches mode the weight in pounds, of one cubic foot of steel (490 lbs.) is provided as a default input for the per cubic unit input. When running in metric mode the weight in kilograms of one cubic millimeter of steel (0.00000784905 kg.) is provided as a default input for the per cubic unit input. You can use these or enter your own values.

In feet and inch mode the result is labeled "lbs", in metric mode the result is labeled "kg". You can disregard the label if your units are not kilograms or pounds. The results are displayed in message boxes and are returned to the stack in the order they were displayed. The arguments must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
oblique triangle

Level 1 Right Arrow Level 8 Level 7 Level 6 Level 5
Nothing Right Arrow side c angle A side b angle C

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
side a angle B area weight

asa Angle Side Angle.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Calculates the remaining 2 sides and 1 angle of an oblique triangle given 1 angle, 1 side in feet and inch format, and 1 angle. In addition this command calculates the area and the weight of the triangle given the thickness in feet and inch format and the weight per cubic unit. It prompts you for angle B, side c, and angle A then returns side c, angle B, side b, angle A, side a, angle C, and the area in square units. It then prompts you for the thickness and Weight per cubic unit. When running in feet and inches mode the weight in pounds, of one cubic foot of steel (490 lbs.) is provided as a default input for the per cubic unit input. When running in metric mode the weight in kilograms of one cubic millimeter of steel (0.00000784905 kg.) is provided as a default input for the per cubic unit input. You can use these or enter your own values.

In feet and inch mode the result is labeled "lbs", in metric mode the result is labeled "kg". You can disregard the label if your units are not kilograms or pounds. The results are displayed in message boxes and are returned to the stack in the order they were displayed. The side argument must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
oblique triangle

Level 1 Right Arrow Level 8 Level 7 Level 6 Level 5
Nothing Right Arrow side c angle A side b angle C

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
side a angle B area weight

saa Side Angle Angle.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Calculates the remaining 2 sides and 1 angle of an oblique triangle given one side in feet and inch format and 2 angles. In addition this command calculates the area and the weight of the triangle given the thickness in feet and inch format and the weight per cubic unit. It prompts you for side c, angle A, and angle C then returns side c, angle B, side b, angle A, side a, angle C, and the area in square units. It then prompts you for the thickness and Weight per cubic unit. When running in feet and inches mode the weight in pounds, of one cubic foot of steel (490 lbs.) is provided as a default input for the per cubic unit input. When running in metric mode the weight in kilograms of one cubic millimeter of steel (0.00000784905 kg.) is provided as a default input for the per cubic unit input. You can use these or enter your own values.

In feet and inch mode the result is labeled "lbs", in metric mode the result is labeled "kg". You can disregard the label if your units are not kilograms or pounds. The results are displayed in message boxes and are returned to the stack in the order they were displayed. The side argument must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
oblique triangle

Level 1 Right Arrow Level 8 Level 7 Level 6 Level 5
Nothing Right Arrow side c angle A side b angle C

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
side a angle B area weight

sas Side Angle Side.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Calculates the remaining 1 sides and 2 angles of an oblique triangle given 1 side, 1 angle, and 1 side in feet and inch format. In addition this command calculates the area and the weight of the triangle given the thickness in feet and inch format and the weight per cubic unit. It prompts you for side c, angle A, and side b then returns side c, angle B, side b, angle A, side a, angle C, and the area in square units. It then prompts you for the thickness and Weight per cubic unit. When running in feet and inches mode the weight in pounds, of one cubic foot of steel (490 lbs.) is provided as a default input for the per cubic unit input. When running in metric mode the weight in kilograms of one cubic millimeter of steel (0.00000784905 kg.) is provided as a default input for the per cubic unit input. You can use these or enter your own values.

In feet and inch mode the result is labeled "lbs", in metric mode the result is labeled "kg". You can disregard the label if your units are not kilograms or pounds. The results are displayed in message boxes and are returned to the stack in the order they were displayed. The side argument must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
oblique triangle

Level 1 Right Arrow Level 8 Level 7 Level 6 Level 5
Nothing Right Arrow side c angle A side b angle C

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
side a angle B area weight

ssa Side Side Angle.
Type: Trigonometry Command
Description: Calculates the remaining 1 sides and 2 angles of an oblique triangle given 2 sides in feet and inch format and 1 angle. In addition this command calculates the area and the weight of the triangle given the thickness in feet and inch format and the weight per cubic unit. It prompts you for side c, side b, and angle Angle B then returns side c, angle B, side b, angle A, side a, angle C, and the area in square units. It then prompts you for the thickness and Weight per cubic unit. When running in feet and inches mode the weight in pounds, of one cubic foot of steel (490 lbs.) is provided as a default input for the per cubic unit input. When running in metric mode the weight in kilograms of one cubic millimeter of steel (0.00000784905 kg.) is provided as a default input for the per cubic unit input. You can use these or enter your own values.

In feet and inch mode the result is labeled "lbs", in metric mode the result is labeled "kg". You can disregard the label if your units are not kilograms or pounds. The results are displayed in message boxes and are returned to the stack in the order they were displayed. The side argument must be in feet and inch format, unless the denominator is set to metric.
oblique triangle

Level 1 Right Arrow Level 8 Level 7 Level 6 Level 5
Nothing Right Arrow side c angle A side b angle C

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
side a angle B area weight

about About.
Type: General Command
Description: Displays website URL, application name, and copyright notice. It takes no arguments and returns no arguments. Press cancel to continue.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Nothing

Page 8

setd Set Denominator.
Type: Configuration Command
Description: Used to set the various modes of operation. The precision of the fractional part of your dimensions can be set to halves, 4ths, 8ths, 16ths, 32nds, and 64ths of an inch. Choosing the metric setting disables the feet and inch conversion and allows you to work in decimal units. This command displays a choose box with the following options: Metric, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. The default setting is 16 for working in sixteenths of an inch. It takes no arguments and returns no arguments.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Nothing

chgd Change Denominator.
Type: Conversion Command
Description: Changes the denominator of the fractional portion of a dimension. The precision of the fractional part of your dimensions can be set to halves, 4ths, 8ths, 16ths, 32nds, and 64ths of an inch. It takes the argument in level 1 and returns the result in level 1. The argument must be in feet and inch format and you must be in a feet and inch mode.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Dimension Right Arrow Dimension

shwd Show Denominator.
Type: Conversion Command
Description: Shows a dimension with the fractional portion changed to the denominator you select. The precision of the fractional part of your dimensions can be set to halves, 4ths, 8ths, 16ths, 32nds, and 64ths of an inch. It takes the argument in level 1 and returns it back to level 1 unchanged. The argument must be in feet and inch format and you must be in a feet and inch mode. This command lets you view how your dimension appears in another mode without changing it.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Dimension Right Arrow Dimension

setup Setup Variables.
Type: Setup Command
Description: Creates the global variables that are used by this application. You will need to run this command before you can use the SFT Feet and Inch engineering tools. The names of the variables this command creates are: sft49, CST, tbdat, dnom, acc1, and angle. It will not change or erase these variable if they exist, except for the CST variable, in the case of the CST variable, it will add a menu command to activate the sftfi library menu. It checks to make sure all the variables are present and creates them only if they do not exist in the current directory or a parent directory. It takes no arguments and returns no arguments.
Level 1/Argument 1 Right Arrow Level 1/Item 1
Nothing Right Arrow Nothing

sft49 sft49
Type: Program
Description: Program that activates the sftfi library menu. It provides access to the sftfi library from the variable menu and is also used by the custom menu in the CST variable.

cst CST
Type: List
Description: Variable used to create a custom menu. The command SFT49 is used to activate the SFT Feet and Inch engineering tools menu.

tbdat tbdat
Type: Array
Description: Array variable with 100 cells. It is used to store the angle and dimension table.

dnom dnom
Type: Real
Description: Real variable used to store the current denominator setting. You can use it to check the current setting

acc1 acc1
Type: Real
Description: Real variable used to store the current value of the accumulator. The value is stored as decimal feet.

angle angle
Type: Real
Description: Real variable used to hold the angle used by the right triangle trigonometry commands.

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